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① Game Center
You can check your ranking and that of your friends on the leaderboard.
Points are added according to grade, so you can see who is currently at what grade. Also, the score registered is not your highest score but your most recent score, so the results of the promotion test are reflected in real time.
0-79 points: Visitor, 100-179 points: 1st kyuu, 200-279 points: 2nd kyuu, … 1000-1079 points: 10th kyuu,
1100-179 points: 1st dan, 1200-1279 points: 2nd dan, … 2000-2079 points: 10th dan,
2100-2179 points: Master, 2200-2279 points: God of bow
② Stages
You can enjoy shooting at the practice field under various conditions (targets, wind) up to the level four levels below the level you have cleared.
Please use it for review or just for fun.
③ Certificate
When you are promoted from visitor to 1st kyuu or above, you can display the certificate you have earned.
The certificate allows you to check the target conditions, wind conditions, shooting time limit, and demotion conditions for that grade.
Shooting time limit: The time limit from holding the bow to shooting (releasing).. If you exceed this limit, the arrow will be invalid.
Demotion conditions: The number of times you fail the promotion test. If you exceed this limit, you will be demoted by one grade.
④ Lounge
When your stamina is low, rest in the Lounge.
Drinking tea (10 ryo) will restore 10 stamina, and drinking coffee (25 ryo) will restore 25 stamina.
Both are free for visitors.
⑤ Shop
You can buy strong bows or sell the ones you own.
The Fiberglass I bow you are given at the beginning cannot be sold.
Buy Sell
Glass Fiber I (Tension 1.00) – –
Glass Fiber II (Tension 1.14) 200 100
Carbon Fiber I (Tension 1.28) 700 600
Carbon Fiber II (Tension 1.43) 1200 1100
Bamboo (Tension 1.57) 1700 1600
⑥ Practice field
You can practice with target conditions, wind conditions, and shooting time limits according to your grade. The frequency of changes in wind conditions varies depending on your grade. Please check your certificate.
You can enter the practice field for free, but you will lose stamina with each shot. Please be careful as your shooting accuracy will decrease as your stamina decreases.
⑦ Promotion Exam Venue
This is the venue for the promotion exams to be taken with the aim of promotion to a higher grade. A participation fee is required to take the exam.
For observers to 1st dan, a score of 80 or more is required to pass, and for 2nd dan and above, a score of 70 or more is required to pass.
Not only will you be promoted, but you will also be demoted if you fail the exam a certain number of times, so be sure to practice thoroughly before taking the exam.
Registration on the leaderboard will be based on the score from this exam venue plus bonus points for your grade.
You will also receive a prize based on your score.
⑧ Match
You can split into red and white teams and choose to play against the AI or a two-player game on your device.
When playing against the AI, the first and second players will be assigned automatically, and when playing two-player games on your device, you will have to decide together.
Playing against each other is free, but each shot consumes stamina. Be careful, as your shooting accuracy will decrease as your stamina decreases.
⑨ Information
Displays your current rank, qualification, stamina, and money.
⑩ Score
Displays your highest score at your current grade.
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